The Dragon T-34/76 model 1942 is the next in box preview of the day. There are a lot of new parts that make it different from the first 2 releases of the T-34/76. This builds into a T-34 model 1942, built at Factory 183 in the winter - spring of 1942. Although, I think all you have to do is sand off the rivets on the front top and bottom of the hull parts to make a summer 1942 T-34.
The lower hull looks to be unchanged.
Here's were the changes begin. The upper hull is completely new
The early style hexagonal turret is also new. It comes with two turret roofs, but the only difference being the location of the periscope on the roof.
The gun and manlet are all new.
The wheels are a mixed blessing. The good part is there are finally two new style road wheels. The bas news Dragon decided to use their slide mold technology so you don't have to glue wheels haves together. Unfortunately you'll need to drill out 10 holes in each steel rimmed road wheel, and 12 holes in the rubber rimmed ones! It would have been much easier to glue them together.
Tracks are all new, and in the glueable DS styrene. They are reasonably straight, and the detail looks pretty good. I wish they would go link and length though (like in their Elephant kit).
They give you an extra length of cable, and the photo-etch screen, which I've heard still doesn't fit
and finally another nice decal sheet with marking for 6 different tanks.
All in all another nice kit. This is the last Dragon T-34 [for now] I havent gotten their T-34/85 yet.
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