Here are a couple of shots of my current progress on the M4A3. Originally I was going to do Cool Studs #4, but I discovered that you can't build it out of the box with DML's parts. So, I've decided to just build an M4A3 from lat 1944, "bulge" vintage. I used the Zaloga method and tried to vary the monotone od paint job normally worn on US Shermans, using several shades of a mixture of Tamiya OD and Dark Yellow. The lower hull got a coat of Tamiya JSDF Brown. Then gave the model a coat of Tamiya clear with a drop or two of Dark Yellow. I then gave the tracks a coat of Vallejo Dark Grey, painted the base of the gun barrell Tamiya Flat Silver, and then put some stars decals on using some suerscale decals I had laying around. Finally the model got another coat of Tamiya clear with a little Dark Yellow. Next up filters and pin washes!